MediaQue Request Server Help

MediaQue Request Server technical information and application Help

Updated May 24 2015

This version of MediaQue is fully functional as a Server and Player for most media types.
A special codec for specific audio and video playback may be required for some media formats.

If you experience strange behavior (blank screen, no audio, reversed or flipped display etc…)

When trying to play a media clip, check the file type, format or encoding method

(eg. divx, xvid, wma) and search for the appropriate codec. (


Min Requirements


Minimum Video resolution 1024 x 768(1280 x 1024 Recommended)
MediaQue Pro allows most other video resolutions and resizing, please see website for upgrade pricing.

Pentium 4  or better
200 GB hard Drive

Recommended system requirements

Intell or AMD 3.0 GHz
1  TB Hard drive

The MediaQue Request Server has the most advanced features enabled. All of the features that are available in the MediaQue Player are also enabled in this version.




You will need to have an internet connection to validate your MediaQue request Server software. A valid serial number will be available for MQRS under “Your serial Numbers” in the members section at

Some notes to remember after you install MQRS

1) Make sure the drive you installed MediaQue on is shared
2) Set up your inbound and location Media Paths
3) Set up your fade on Demand ratios (eg. 20, 100, 150)
4) Set File Extensions & Associations (usually all)
5) Update Library
6) When Searching for Media make sure either A-Audio, V-Video or I-Images is depressed




ML – Main List
PL – Preview List
DL – Directory List
SL – Server List
RND – Random

VL – Volume Lock, When a playlist or Random sequence is continued the volume will remain at its current level. Once you double click on a song or media volume will jump to 100%

COS – Clear On Search, once the search is complete the old list will clear.
Clear – Clears the current list immediately

A – Audio
V – Video
I – Images
C – Continue
R – Repeat Playlist


Client – a machine that connects to a MediaQue server
Server – a machine that holds the database and pointers to all media



In Main List ML

F1 – Toggle Stay on Top
F2 – Toggle Aspect Ratio
F3 – Toggle Mute
F4 – Toggle Minimize
F5 – Toggle Full Screen
F6 – Play Previous Media
F7 – Play Next Media
F8 – Capture (n/a)
F9 – Record (n/a)
F10- Slow (3) Fade
F11- Med (2) Fade
F12- Fast (1) Fade

+ – Increase Volume
– – Decrease Volume

Mouse Scroll Up or Down for Volume when clicked on Search textboxes, or Volume Control

CTRL-A – Select All

CTRL-F1 – Play Random Songs Immediately
CTRL SHIFT -F1 (Toggle) – Switch to Random Play After Current Song Ends

CTRL SHIFT -F1 (Toggle) Release from Random Play and play song highlighted in Main List

CTRL-F2 – Play Random (from database) Videos Only
CTRL-F3 – Play Random (from database) Images Only (n/a)

SHIFT-F1 – Play Random (from loaded playlist in ML) All Media

The above Hot Keys work from a client when clicked on the “ML” for local control and they work when you are clicked on the “SL” for remote control. Of course they also work from the Server “ML” & “SL” but will only control locally. (CTRL-A is not applicable)

Initial Setup



After installing MediaQue Please follow these steps:

1) Choose your file associations from the options menu, if you are not sure then click them all.

2) Choose your file extensions from the options menu, if you are not sure then click them all.

3) In Options, set Media Paths to the media you want to include in MediaQue, if you have the network version you can set network paths to your media.

4) Configure “Fade on Demand” from the Options menu, the three fade settings are user
definable and set in milliseconds. So if you set Level one (the [1] button) to 20 ms and
Level two (the [2] button) to 100 ms, and Level three (the [3] button to 150 ms, you will
have 3 distinct fade time staring with button [1] being the fastest fade and button [3] being the slowest fade.

5) Last but not least, make sure all MediaQue directories, and Media Location drives and directories are shared and the correct permissions are set for each machine connecting to your MediaQue server machine.

Once you have completed steps 1 – 5 then proceed:

6) From the tools menu press “Update Library”. If the system hangs during this process,
note the media it got hung up on, go find it and move or delete it, it’s probably bad
media, then “Clear Library” and retry the “Update Library” command.

7) Set your default Video Mode from the Options menu to your choice of normal or full

8) It is best to leave the “Program Priority” at normal unless you are operating a
dedicated server and nothing else will be running on that machine.

Main Player Control

Double Clicking on any type of media will start to play the media. Space bar will pause the playing media and Right Clicking on the current Media will produce a menu of features. We will explain most of the features available in the Player.

Volume Control


Controlling the volume for a sensitive gig or mixing to perfection with digital media is always a treat but with MediaQue the tools make it simple. While playing media a click on the volume down arrow will start to bring the digital volume down, but it won’t change the volume until you let go of the arrow, thus allowing you to go to the exact volume before actually making it happen. The same is true when the volume is low and you want to turn it up, It will not happen until you let go of the arrow. However you can singly click the arrow to step the volume up or down.

To have a more automated decline in volume you can use the fade out button. There are three speeds of fade which are set in the Options Menu, “Fade on Demand”. to effectively use FOD, when the song is playing, make sure the “Fade Out” (Left Arrow) is depressed, and click one of the three fade speed buttons. One being the fastest and three being the slowest or longest fade. To only fade to a comfortable level, click the fade, wait till you are happy and press the “Fade In” key (Up Arrow) to stop the fade. The volume will remain at the paused level until the “Fade Out” button is pressed again and the fade will continue. If a fade is interrupted by a double click on another song, the fade will terminate and the new song will be played at full volume (100).

If a fade completes MediaQue will check to see if the Continue button “C” is pressed, if yes then the next song will be played. If it is not then the player will stop.

Time & Postion

The time & position indicators although they are two different places work together in many ways. First, the time is located in the middle grey bar, off to the right. It’s a timer that shows the time position of the current media. It usually counts down from the song’s total length to 0.

To change this to count up from 0 click once on the timer itself, it will change, click again to set it back. Use this as a toggle for your changing needs.

The Position indicator is located at the bottom, off to the left just above the position bar. Changing the position will allow you to move the media’s current play position to a new one. You can scroll the position arrows up or down to find the desired position in the media. The position count works slightly different for songs than it does for larger videos or movies. For songs the position count is based on a percentage of the media length where 1 is the beginning and 100 is the end. For movies the position count can go all the way up to 10,000 with two decimal places.

The position control can be used together with the FOD controls to start a song from an advanced position (12) and start the volume level at 60, then fade in to a mix based on those numbers. It works quite well for certain songs, especially if there’s a slow or quite intro to the song.

Media Mixing



One of the true beauties of MediaQue is the ability to run multiple instances. Running more than one instance of MediaQue just doubles the power every time another instance is run. You have the power to mix between two playing songs, with auto fade -In, and auto fade-out at the same time. utilizing the three speeds of FOD (Fade on Demand) you can get the exact mix for any song ending or beginning.

Opening up multiple instances of MediaQue also allows you to hold multiple search lists open without really using them until they are needed. For example, at weddings it’s always good to keep a list of songs with the work love in them. In a pinch or a rush for a song almost any one of those would work. Just remember to have the “C” (Continue) button clicked off on the player(s) that you do not want to continue especially when DeeJay-ing.



To search for a song, video or image, click the corresponding A,V or I Button and type into the Search Textbox the Title or Artist name or a combination of the two. If you want
to find an exact title or narrow the search to a minimal, I find that if you type 3
letters of the Artist name and 3 letters of the Song title you will get a pretty close
match. This all depends on how you have named your media in the database. In most cases the format is Artist, dash, Title. i.e. “Richie Valens – Donna”.
The top and bottom search textbox fields act the same. You can use either one or both of them to search your media. If you are searching for multiple songs by the same artist you
can just type the artist in either textbox, you can type the artist name in the top one
and the song or partial song title in the bottom one, then after it’s found you can
replace the bottom one with the new song title. This is strictly for ease of use and

Advanced Search



For searches that are more detailed or based on other criteria the Advanced search capabilities in MediaQue are very powerful. Some of the Advanced search fields are stored in the MP3 TAG information such as the Artist, Title, Album, Year, Genre, Bitrate & Frequency. So if this information is already in the MP3 TAG ID, then it will display. If it is not present these fields will be blank and you can enter the TAG data right here in the Advanced Search section of MediaQue.

Other information such as Intro Length, Keyword Searches and lyrics searches are stored in the MediaQue database and may also be entered here. We will talk about these features and how to use them.

In each case the small GO button at the end of the textbox will cause the search to begin,
make sure you don’t have too many of these fields populated when searching or you will not get any results.

The top three buttons “Exact Match, Clear and Search All” are for the top textbox fields
only. The bottom Three buttons “Select All & Clear are for the Listbox control, you can
also use your RMB to Select All & copy selected to the ML.

You cannot drag from this list to any other lists.

You can sort the Results List by clicking on the column headers for Media Name, Title and, Artist, Album, Year, Genre, Bitrate & Frequency. You may have to use the horizontal scroll bars to see the other fields.

You can attach lyrics to any song by highlighting the song and pressing Right mouse, Lyrics, or you can go through Media Details, Lyrics. A Lyric sheet style window appears, you can load an existing file in or Copy & Paste any text into this window. The window will also accept links to folders or web locations that can link the song to relevant information. Using the Right Mouse Menu you can print the lyrics sheet to any installed local or remote printer. (Set up in Windows Printers)

All the words or phrases in all your lyrics can be searched in the Advanced Search area by going to the “Keyword & Lyrics Search” type in your keyword, click the “Search in Lyrics” button and press “GO”. Songs with exact matching keywords and phrases will appear in the results window and can be copied to your Main List for playing. Use the Right Mouse Button to do this.

Lyrics Searches



You can attach lyrics to any song by highlighting the song and pressing Right mouse, Lyrics, or you can go through Media Details, Lyrics. A Lyric sheet style window appears, you can load an existing file in or Copy & Paste any text into this window. The window will also accept links to folders or web locations that can link the song to relevant information. Using the Right Mouse Menu you can print the lyrics sheet to any installed local or remote printer. (Set up in Windows Printers)

All the words or phrases in all your lyrics can be searched in the Advanced Search area by going to the “Keyword & Lyrics Search” type in your keyword, click the “Search in Lyrics” button and press “GO”. Songs with exact matching keywords and phrases will appear in the results window and can be copied to your Main List for playing. Use the Right Mouse Button to do this.

Keyword Searches



Adding keywords to media is easy. In Media Details click the “Add Keywords” button. Enter keywords or phrases. They will appear below, and also on the drop down list in Media Details. You can add an unlimited number of Keywords to Media.

Intro Searches



With MediaQue you can mark the specific time a song has for an intro by finding the song in the Main List, highlighting it, Media Details, In “Start, Stop & Intro Times”, press the start button, then wait until the vocals start and press Intro. This will mark the spot and record it in the database.

When searching for a specific intro time (15sec, 30sec, 45 sec etc.) you go into the Advanced Search area to “Intro Length Search”, type in the desired length and press the “Go” button. The results of the search will be listed in the view below. Then you can highlight the song and copy it to the Main List for playing.

Note: This feature only works for audio files.

Media Details



The Media Details section is slightly different for Songs, Video or Images. When you use your RMB on the media of choice, MediaQue knows the type of media and displays the correct type of information. If you are editing song media, you will see a set of search boxes that are related to music only. There will be the MP3 TAG information and the MediaQue information that pertains to MP3’s only. Video media will have different features available to mark and store segments of video that can be cue’ed and played from the various lists.

PL & DL BAsics



Pressing the DL Button, will open up the Directory Listing. It is divided into four sections, the top two panes “The Preview Listing” or PL and the bottom two panes “The Directory Listing” or DL. You can expand the all panes to full view by double clicking on the top blue Caption Bar. Double clicking the Caption Bar again will return all panes to the original size and state. Media can be played form the PL & DL when expanded by double clicking on the media, but you won’t be able view the player until you return the DL to it’s original state by again double clicking on the Caption Bar at the top.

The left panes are directories and the right panes are files in those directories.

In the top panes “PL” all your inbound media is stored here, this is where your media can be previewed, renamed, cleaned and edited before it’s put into the MediaQue database. Media in this area will not be available at search time.

The bottom panes “DL” are where your actual media files reside, all files in this area will be in the MediaQue database and ready for searching.

Adding Media



The first time you add you media to the MediaQue database, all you media will be available for searches and adding lyrics, pictures and other data. But if you’re like most music enthusiasts your media library will continue to grow. The question then is how to get my new media into the system so I can find it too. We have come up with a system that works for us and most people.

When you open up the “DL” Listing, at the top you have your inbound locations. Media that has not yet been entered into the database is held here until it is previewed, cleaned, edited and re-named. Then you may want to move it to the same location as the rest of your media.

To add media to the MediaQue database select the song, movie or image in the top “PL” right pane and holding down the Right Mouse Buttton, Drag media to it’s new location in the bottom “DL” right pane.

To do this make sure the media is cleaned (see above) highlight the media (can be multiples) open up the bottom of the “DL” panel to where you want the media to reside and drag the media to it’s destination. Media will be physically moved to the new location (network or local) and added to the MediaQue database.

Removing Media 2



There are two ways to remove media from MediaQue. One method removes the media from the database and deletes the file from the system, One does not. To remove the media from the database only, highlight the media and Right Click, “Delete to Bin”. This will put the media into the Media Recycle Bin which you can find at the bottom of both “DL” & “PL” lists. This will just hold the media there until it is dealt with. Either deleted or put back into the system (Drag to new location in DL)

By choosing “Delete (Kill File)” the media will be removed from the database and deleted from the system even by- passing windows recycle bin.

MP3 Tag Info



You can view the current MP3 TAG Information (if any) by highlighting the song, Right Click, “MP3 TAG info” to bring up a view of the current Tag info. Click on the black box again to close the window. Available only in “PL”

Edit Media



To Edit the media in say Soundforge, or other audio editor right Click, “Open With” will allow you to set up an editor that will link directly to your media. You can now just save back to the original directory and refresh MediaQue. This is available in “PL”, “DL” & the “ML”

Verify & Repair



In the left pane, Right Click, you can Verify & Repair. Use this if you find that Media has gotten into your “DL” area and can’t be found in your searches. This will check the database for the specific media and add it if is not there. You will only need to run this once, if it’s still not there then you need to check your file extensions setup in “Options”

Any time you change something in either of these panes, you must Right Click, “Refresh”. Be conscious of other stations on your network that may still have their DL panes open, they must be refreshed also to view changed data and protect MediaQue from trying to play deleted or moved media.

View Full Paths



Depending which list you are in or the media location you may not have enough room to see the entire song name, as well you may wish to see where it’s located. From the main screen click the “DL” Button. The black line at the top of the window will show the path of the currently highlighted media. It still may not be long enough to show network paths and longer song names. Right Click on this black line and choose “Show Full Path”. At the bottom of the pane you will see another black space this will display the location and title of anything highlighted in any lists (ML, PL, DL, SL), not just the currently playing media. This space will also wrap to another line if the path is extra long.

Copy Media



From this area you can copy media to another Folder by highlighting the specific media, Right Click, “Copy To Folder”, a dialog box will let you create and copy the media to a folder anywhere.

From the “DL” only you can select specific media and “Right Click” Add To ML or SL. This allows you to sift through your media with the DL expanded and send specific media to either list for playing or to create a saved Playlist.

Corrective Measures



If you need to move media from one location to another after it has already been added to the MediaQue database, find the wrongly placed media in “DL”, find the right location in the “DL” left pane and holding down the left mouse button, drag the media to it’s new location. The Media will be physically moved on the network and the MediaQue database will be updated.

Private Media



From both the “PL” & “DL” left panes you can also turn your media to Private to protect specific media from being used or seen in searches. The protected media will not show or play in random mode unless you uprotect the media first. See section “Content Management” for more on protected media.

Video Segmenting

MediaQue has a special feature for setting bookmarks within your large video media files. The bookmarks or segments can be marked in the Media Details area for Video Media Only. In the create Video Segment box, start the media. When you want to start marking the segment press “Start” wait or advance to the beginning of the desired segment and press “Mark In” again wait or advance to the end of the desired segment and press “Mark Out”. The segment will appear in the “Marked Video Segments” window. You can now edit the title of the segment and add comments about the segment by clicking in the corresponding area of the segment.

You can create as many segments as required for each video or Media Clip.

Note: Searching for Video Segments is not available in this version of MediaQue. The advanced version of MediaQue Pro Evolve Server has this and other features for searching and displaying video segments and including them in playlists.

Pictures To Media



MediaQue allows a large number of pictures to be directly attached to song media and viewed when a song is searched. To connect a picture to a song highlight the song, go to Media Details, Pictures. A black window will appear, if there are pictures already attached they will also be visible. To add a picture just drag the picture into this black window. Note: you must be sure that the source picture is a real image not just a link as you will find if you drag from the web using your browser. To do this you must drill down and find the actual image before dragging into MediaQue. Then to view all your pictures use the scroll wheel on your mouse.

Sheet Music



Sheet music can be attached to songs much in the same way pictures are attached to individual media.(See above) It is assumed that you are not violating any copyright laws using sheet music as most works are copyrighted. If the work is your own or you have the right to copy, scan in the document and drag it into the black window pertaining to the correct song. The way to search for sheet music is to search for the song, right click, Media Details, Sheet Music button.

Import Export Lyrics



If you wish to re-build your database from scratch or you are starting over for various reasons, you can export all of your lyrics out of the database, then build your new database and import your lyrics back in. It is very rare that you may want to do this but it is here as a security measure for your data. Lyrics must be Exported out of MediaQue before they can be imported.

From the Tools menu choose Export Lyrics, choose the location to Export to, and press the Export Button. A message “Export Complete” will appear, press “Ok” and “Done” to exit.

Time In & Out



To Import just perform the above in reverse, choose “Import Lyrics”, “Import From…” Press the Import Button. A message “Import Complete” will appear, press “Ok” and “Done” to exit.

Songs that have noise or spaces at the beginning or end of the songs can be skipped at playtime by using the Time In/Out off the Main Menu, “Options”, “Use Time In / Out”

Times for this feature can be marked in the “Media Details” section, “Start, Stop & Intro Times”. Start by highlighting the song, Media Details, In “Start, Stop & Intro Times”, press the “In” button, then wait for the new start time, and press the “In” button again. This will mark the spot and record it in the database, wait for the “Out Time” and press the “Out” Button to mark the Out time.

To use this feature, from the Main Menu click “Options”, “Use Time In / Out” to toggle this feature on or off.

Program Priority



This section should only be changed by qualified and knowledgeable people as it can have diverse effects on a computer system depending what you’re running in the background or in addition to MediaQue.

Random Play



Once your database is created and you are searching and playing songs, you may want to just have MediaQue pick songs for you at random. There are two ways of doing this depending on what you want to do. To have MediaQue go to the database and randomly choose songs and play them one after another, click on a blank Main List and press CTRL-F1 for songs, CTL-F2 for Videos and CTRL-F3 for Images. This will start a cycle of MediaQue choosing a random song then another one and so on until stop is pressed, another search is performed or a song is played.

You may want to limit the selections MediaQue chooses. There are two ways to do this. One is to select the songs or load a large playlist. Pressing Shft-F1 with a loaded playlist will choose only songs in the playlist at random.

The other way to limit selections in random play is to use content management to lockout private files.

You can also use Random Play in a slightly different manner. It is called Delayed Random Effect (DRE) and Delayed Random Return (DRR) . By Pressing Crtl Shift F1, while a song is playing indicates to MediaQue that after the current song has ended then MediaQue will switch the system into Random Mode , a green LED light will now be visible on the MediaQue Main Screen. This Random mode will continue untill you either press the Stop button, Close MediaQue or Press Ctrl Shift F1 again. If Ctrl Shift F1 is pressed again a red light will appear on the MediaQue main Screen, this means that after the song that is currently playing ends, MediaQue will switch back to your control (no More Random Songs) and play the currently highlighted song in the Main List. If your “C” – Continue button is depressed then your list will continue.

When the system is in DRE mode you can still search and display other songs you want to play. If you double click on a song in ML to play, the song will play immidiately, after the song finishes DRE mode will be back in effect playing Random Songs Again.




Playlists are a powerful way to store, organize and retrieve your media. They can hold songs, videos and images, and can be played remotely. First thing to remember is that there are two types of playlists: Main Playlists, and Server Playlists. Main lists are for media in the Main List ML, and the Server List is for the SL. That said when you Right Click on ML choose Load or Save Playlist. The same is true when you Right Click on SL, Choose Load or Save Playlist. They will load into the appropriate area, adding to the existing media in the list.

The great advantage of this is the ability to be on a client, load in a SL Playlist located on the client, and play the media on the server immediately.

Removing Media



There are two ways to remove media from MediaQue. One method removes the media from the database and deletes the file from the system, One does not. To remove the media from the database only, highlight the media and Right Click, “Delete to Bin”. This will put the media into the Media Recycle Bin which you can find at the bottom of both “DL” & “PL” lists. This will just hold the media there until it is dealt with. Either deleted or put back into the system (Drag to new location in DL)

By choosing “Delete (Kill File)” the media will be removed from the database and deleted from the system even by- passing windows recycle bin.

Burning Media



The hardest part of burning media is finding all the tunes you want to burn. With MediaQue as you have discovered by now that’s a snap. So to simplify the process, find your choice of songs, from the Main List “ML” highlight all the songs by clicking CTRL-A then drag using your Right Mouse button to a new folder on your desktop. All songs will be copied to that folder. You can also highlight the songs and Right Click “Copy to Folder”, then browse to your folder, even create the folder from the browse dialog.

Once the media is in the folder, it should be copied to the machine that has the CD Burner in it, as it is not good to burn a CD over the network. Network Lag can foul up a good Burn. If you are expecting to play the CD in a car or home CD Player before the media can be burned it must be converted to Wave files. There are many free utilities that do that on the fly, download one and convert your media to wave files or let your burning software handle that for you. I prefer to have it all done before I try to burn. I get less coasters.

Content Management

The way MediaQue handles this is to make some of your media private. Only a password lies between accessing your media or not so remember all your security depends on your password. Do not set simple easy passwords if you wish to really protect your media. To set media to private go to the DL (Directory Listing) section by pressing the DL button from the main screen. Find the directory where the media is located. Highlight the directory and click Right Mouse button. Click private and a password box will appear, if this is the first time you have done this you will have to set your password first by entering it in twice. Once done, the media folder will be marked in Red and all media in the folder will not be visible.

To make the media public again, repeat the procedure and the folder will be visible again. Once the media is made private searches will not display the items in these folders. Random plays will not find or choose any of the items either. You can privatize as many folders as you like.

As a quick way to get to the privatized media, MediaQue has a hotkey just for this task. CTRL-SHFT-E will Expose all of your media that is privatized and make them All public, of course you’ll have to know the password. To set them all back to Private just press CTRL-SHFT-E again, do the password thing, and all media that was private is now private again.

Any time you use the expose key or set media to public or private you have the option to change the password. Click the box “Change Password” when asked for your password, put in the correct existing password, and the change password box will come up.

Client Server Features

The Client / Server features of MediaQue can be setup only if you have the MQRS package installed on one or more computers. They will communicate with each other and allow clients to program the server, use the Server’s database, and Request songs from the Server using Requestline. You will need to have one computer set as the Client and one set as the Server. A port must be opened over your network if you have a firewall (default port 1475) and you must have all passwords, permissions and shares set up correctly to the MediaQue Install Directory to make this work.

Connect a Client to a Server by: when on a client click on “Options” “Client/Server Config”. The Top button “Use Request Server” must be clicked on, then type in the “Name of the Server, just the name, no paths. type in the “Name of the Client” your current machine name (find this by right clicking on “My Computer, Properties, and then on the Network Identification Tab.) Set a default port number to use on your network (eg.1475)

Finally, choose if you are acting as a client or the server. This can be switched when you need to but the names of each must be switched as well. Press “Done” to exit

If you have a firewall, don’t forget to open this port, TPC & UDP for both directions. See your firewall documentation to allow both in and out packet filters for MediaQue.

Connect to Server



Under “Options”, “Set Media Paths” you will see at the bottom “Database Path”. Browse to the server’s location, and then the MediaQue installation directory. All shares and permissions must be set to allow access to the Directory. If Windows XP has been updated you may have trouble getting to the program Files directory while browsing. If so try typing in the full path to the Server’s database manually.

Server List Control



To control a server’s “SL” not to be confused with a Playlist this is the actual list of songs or media playing at the time. Once songs are loaded into the list either by loading a saved playlist or choosing selected media for the list from a Client or a Server, the list can be played by double clicking on the media or pressing the play button in the “SL”.

The media can be moved within the list to any location preferred by clicking once on the left icon, then dragging the media to the new location in the list. A line will be visible to show the current position of the media, when you find its’ new destination just let go. This only works for single media at present.

Remote Play



If a client wishes to control a Server’s output, it may do so by using hard controls and Hotkeys in the “SL”. (Check Hotkey Information above) While in a client if you double click the media in the “SL” it will execute on the Server. This is true for all types of media. The function Keys or Hot Keys are all available when in Remote Play mode and you may add or drag media within the list for automated server broadcasting.

Log Files



MediaQue keeps precise logs of all media played on all clients or servers. These logs are found in the MediaQue directory of the server. Log Files are accessed from the Main Menu, View, Log Files. You will see the MediaQue Log Viewer.

There are Three (3) types of log files. Play logs, Random Logs, and Request Logs. Choose the type of log file you wish to access at the top of the Log Viewer. Choose the day (date) of the appropriate log file and it’s contents are displayed in the window. Scroll horizontally to see all the information associated with the log entry, by using the horizontal scroll bars.

Play Log entries include time of play, length of playtime, machine played on, originating list, path and filename. You can create a Play List from the entire logfile or selected items in the logfile. To create a Play List from a Log File, highlight the media you wish to include or leave blank to select all, and press the “Export Log” File Button, choose your destination location or accept the default MediaQue Play List folder.

Random Log Entries are for the special times when you want to Log an item for a number of reasons. It may need to be updated later, or re-encoded, or re-named and you don’t have the time, right then, just highlight the item and press “CTRL-L” the media will be logged for later viewing.

RequestLine Logs are recorded after every request is made from a RequestLine module to a Server. This helps to provide quality information about what is actually being requested as apposed to what’s being played.

Note: When Log Files are converted to Play Lists any media that was originally played from the “PL” will not be included as it is not in the database and may not be present on your system any more. Only Media that is in the MediaQue database will be converted into Play Lists.

File Associations



If you have set MediaQue as your default windows file association for Music, Video & Images (MP3, AVI, and JPG etc.) MediaQue will open the file automatically when you click on it from windows.

Some things to note when using this feature:

This works even if the files are not in the MediaQue database and will not add any of the displayed files to the database. If you click on an image that is in a root folder (lower hierarchy) MediaQue will load up all the files below it. This is why it may take a few seconds to load the picture view window of MediaQue. Then you can use your mouse scroll to sift through all the pictures.

If you click on a video it will be played automatically, and when it has ended, MediaQue will just terminate. If an ESC key is pressed then MediaQue will auto terminate. No need to close the application manually, although if you terminate the video before it has completed by pressing the stop button, MediaQue will remain open.

If you are playing songs this way and you click on another song while one song is playing, both songs will play in two instances of MediaQue. You can open many separate instances of MediaQue at a time so be careful.

Playing CDs



MediaQue will also play commercial CD’s. Just put the CD in the CDROM player and if your file associations are set to open CDA (CD Audio) with MediaQue it will autoplay. If they are not set you may have to load MediaQue and point to the CDROM drive and click on one or all of the tracks you wish to play. CDA Tracks cannot be saved in the MediaQue database as they may not be available at play time if the CD is not in the correct CDROM drive. But they can be converted to MP3’s and saved in a new location, then added to the MediaQue database.

Playing DVD’s with MediaQue is just as simple. Put your DVD title into the DVD drive on your system (required) from the “View Menu” choose Play DVD. A simple window will appear with only two buttons at the top left of the screen. Press “Play DVD” and your DVD title will start. To pause the DVD play, press the space bar at any time. F5 will toggle between Full Screen and Normal window.





Data Motion Products & Services. a Canadian registered Incorporated Company, hereby grants to you a non-exclusive license to use its accompanying software product(s), MediaQue MQRS (“MediaQue”) on the following terms:

The term ” MediaQue” identifies the complete package containing the MediaQue Executable (MEDIAQUE.EXE) and all related components including controls, Libraries, Databases, Form files, Configuration files, and Documentation. MediaQue does not include any media except the initial tutorial(s) that may be provided with the program.

You may: not copy or distribute MediaQue, including without limitation by uploading MediaQue to web sites, Bulletin Board Systems, FTP sites, Usenet newsgroups and any
network sites. You may download MediaQue from an authorized dealer for Visionomics, for trial period (If Available )or limited use only, provided that (i) any copy of MediaQue contains all of the original Software’s proprietary notices; (ii) MediaQue is copied and distributed in its entirety (e.g. no component or components of the Software may be distributed separately from one another); if any of these conditions can not be met, you must immediately discontinue use of MediaQue.

You may not: (i)alter, modify, translate, reverse engineer, de-compile, disassemble (except to the extent applicable laws specifically prohibit such restrictions) or create derivative works based on MediaQue; (ii) rent or lease MediaQue; (iii) remove any proprietary notices or labels on or encompassed into MediaQue; or (iv) use Visionomics’ suppliers’ name, logos, or trademarks in any manner except as is necessary to reproduce the appropriate copyright notices as required herein.

TITLE. Title, ownership rights, and intellectual property rights in and to MediaQue and all electronic or written documentation are the exclusive property of Visionomics. The Software is protected by the copyright laws of British Columbia, Canada and international copyright treaties. Title, ownership rights, and intellectual property rights in and to the content accessed through the Software is the property of the applicable content owner and may be protected by applicable copyright or other law. This License gives you no rights to such content.

Data Motion reserves the right to retain access to any and all of the application’s program or license files either through Internet connection or modem connection or any other media that may be used to contain or transfer the Software and its components.
Data Motion retain the sole right to monitor, and levy copy protection controls to further protect against copyright infringement by license file control methods and any other means available to Visionomics.



TERMINATION. This license will terminate automatically if you fail to comply with the limitations described above or if the scheduled time for limited use expires. On termination, you must destroy all copies of MediaQue.

EXPORT CONTROLS. None of the Software, any portion thereof, or underlying information or technology may be downloaded or otherwise exported or re-exported (i) into (or to a national or resident of) Cuba, Iraq, Libya, Yugoslavia, North Korea, Iran, Syria or any other country to which the Canada has embargoed goods or for which export is otherwise restricted; or (ii) to anyone on the U.S. Treasury department’s list of Specially Designated Nationals or the U.S. Commerce Department’s Table of Deny Orders. By downloading or using the Software or any portion thereof, you are agreeing to the foregoing and you are representing and warranting that you are not located in, under the control of, or a national or resident of any such country or on any such list.

MISCELLANEOUS. This Agreement represents the complete agreement concerning this license between the parties and supersedes all prior agreements and representations between them. It may be amended only by a writing executed by both parties. THE ACCEPTANCE OF ANY PURCHASE ORDER PLACED BY YOU IS EXPRESSLY MADE CONDITIONAL ON YOUR ASSENT TO THE TERMS SET FORTH HEREIN, AND NOT THOSE CONTAINED IN YOUR PURCHASE ORDER. If any provision of this Agreement is held to be unenforceable for any reason, such provision shall be reformed only to the extent necessary to make it enforceable. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed under the laws of British Columbia, Canada.


MediaQue MQRS Product Disclaimer

A. The purpose of the program.

MediaQue is an application that allows users to manage and play media files. MediaQue can automatically connect to databases across the network and search the database for specific media. Simply click the MediaQue icon on the desktop to run the program.

B. The status of the MediaQue MQRS Software.

MediaQue MQRS is not freeware, and is not supported by adware from Visionomics, there is costs associated with the licensing of the MQRS version. MediaQue, once purchased can be downloaded directly from the Visionomics web site. To do this you must sign up as a member at the Visionomics site and purchase your Server version. If this program was downloaded from a site other than the Visionomics authorized site you may be installing a version that has been tampered with or altered, please uninstall or destroy the downloaded version and apply at the authorized download location.

C. The distribution status of the program.

Costs applicable to install and use MediaQue Request Server..

D. How to contact Visionomics in the event of questions or problems.
For more information please visit or email

E. Disclaimer – Visionomics Software Development Group Inc.

MediaQue and other Visionomics software products are created and distributed for use with media that has been licensed and /or the copyright(s) for the media used within has been acquired, or was created by you or your associates and is a solely owned copyright. If the media you are using with this player has been acquired illegally, Visionomics accepts no responsibility for media licensing issues and will not be liable for and actions, civil or criminal that involve licensing or copyright infringement issues.

Although the creators of MediaQue have attempted to develop MediaQue with the highest level of quality, we assume no responsibility for, and make no representations with respect to, the functioning of MediaQue. In no event shall the authors be liable for any damages whatsoever, including (without limitation) special, indirect, consequential or incidental damages, including, without limitation, damages resulting from the use of MediaQue.

MediaQue MQRS version is not Freeware and is not supported by adware but Visionomics may from time to time automatically distribute information directly to the MediaQue MQRS software via Internet connection.

MediaQue Request Player HELP !